
Categorising and Codifying Male Sexual Deviance: A Comparative Study of England and Spain (1885-1928)


This paper will analyse the likeliness of being punished due to an accusation of male sexual deviance in Spain or England. In this vein, the paper includes primary sources involving doctors' role in these procedures. Regarding the legal treatment of sexual deviants, this paper will compare the data offered by the press respecting two case studies from each country. As a conclusion, British law proved to be more restrictive than the Spanish. Therefore, British male sexual deviants had fewer possibilities to avoid being judged and punished than the Spanish.



Varela Vázquez Ezequiel


Supervisors: Watson, Katherine

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Education, Humanities and Languages


Year: 2023

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


  • Owner: Ezequiel Varela Vazquez
  • Collection: Research
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 432