Thesis (Ph.D)

Conserving amphibian and reptile diversity in north Madagascar: Contributions from baseline herpetological survey work


Madagascar has long been recognized as one of the world’s priority global hotspots for biodiversity conservation. Its herpetofauna, in particular, is extremely species-rich and diverse with high levels of endemism. By far the most important threat to its continued survival is the relentless destruction of its primary habitats. Socioeconomic factors in combination with particular aspects of Malagasy culture have led to the exploitation of natural resources which have already had an impact at a national level. Conservation strategies are in place to protect this unique fauna. However, in practice they are constrained in part by a lack of information regarding the distribution, abundance, natural history, and habitat requirements of threatened species. Accessible information, generated by baseline herpetological surveys, is particularly lacking for several key regions such as the northern province of Antsiranana. The first study in this research programme represents a review of modern herpetological survey work (1994-2007) in Madagascar and serves to highlight why Antsiranana was selected as a region of focus. The following three studies are focused on baseline herpetological survey work that was conducted in several key sites of conservation importance throughout the province. A further three studies provide an account of six species (previously unknown to science) that were discovered and described as a result of this survey work. The remaining two studies provide an insight into the impact that anthropogenic habitat alteration is having on lizard abundance, diversity and community composition in the extreme north of this island. Overall, these studies represent an advancement of the knowledge regarding a threatened herpetofauna. They elucidate a number of issues pertaining to broader questions of conservation biology in Madagascar that have been traditionally confounded by a lack of evidence.

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D'Cruze, N


Year: 2011

© D'Cruze, N
Published by Oxford Brookes University
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