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Add your research to RADAR now

Add your research to RADAR now!

Single sheet describing a simple way for academics to add their research to RADAR.

Status: Live|Last updated:17 October 2023 11:55
Relevance: 5.019
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How to add a RADAR resource to Moodle

RADAR is fully integrated with Brookes Virtual, the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for Oxford Brookes University. This two-page guide explains how to search for RADAR resources and then add them to your Brookes Virtual online course.

Status: Live|Last updated:17 October 2023 11:55
Relevance: 4.974
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Video tutorial: add a RADAR resource to Moodle

A short video (1 minute 07 seconds) that shows how to search RADAR within Moodle and add a resource to a Moodle course. Produced by the Media Workshop. No audio. If you have any queries please email

Status: Live|Last updated:17 October 2023 11:55
Relevance: 4.29
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Slideshow - how to add a RADAR item in the Teaching collection to a Brookes Virtual course

A slideshow to show the simple process of browsing for resources in the Teaching collection and creating VLE links.

Status: Live|Last updated:27 July 2018 11:33
Relevance: 3.789
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How to add a RADAR resource to Moodle using the PLATO plagiarism tutorial as an example.

A 2-page guide that explains how to add a link to the PLATO plagiarism tutorial in a Brookes Virtual course. This document is intended for COURSE DESIGNERS ONLY.

Status: Live|Last updated:17 October 2023 11:55
Relevance: 3.512
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Add your research to RADAR

Let's get ahead with research. Simply add it to RADAR - the Research Archive for Oxford Brookes

A leaflet aimed at staff at Oxford Brookes who want to know how to add their research to RADAR. The first section tells you how to get started, followed by reasons why you should do this, what material and which versions should be placed on RADAR, what RADAR will do once the material is there.

Status: Live|Last updated:17 October 2023 11:55
Relevance: 3.04
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Adding an HTML page to RADAR

This guide shows you how to add an HTML page to RADAR

Status: Live|Last updated:06 October 2023 20:47
Relevance: 2.972
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How to contribute to the RADAR Teaching collection

A step by step guide to uploading an item to the RADAR Teaching collection. Note: before you can contribute to the Teaching collection you need a contributor account: please email to arrange this.

Status: Live|Last updated:17 October 2023 11:55
Relevance: 2.649
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RADAR - the institutional repository of Oxford Brookes University

Slides for a presentation to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics showing how easy it is to contribute to RADAR and the reasons why all academics involved with research should start adding their research to RADAR

Status: Live|Last updated:17 October 2023 11:55
Relevance: 2.318
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How to add outputs to Converis / the CRIS for REF

The Scholarly Communications team made this video and step-by-step guides to help Oxford Brookes researchers to add their research publications (primarily journal articles and conference proceedings) to Converis (also know as 'the CRIS' - or Current Research Information System). It is particularly relevant for showing researchers how to add the information to Converis that the Scholarly Communications team need in order to help their output meet HEFCE's (Higher Education Funding Council for England) Open Access requirements for REF (Research Excellence Framework).

Status: Live|Last updated:06 October 2023 20:47
Relevance: 2.202
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