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Design and implementation of a customer remote control tool for mobile devices

Status: Live|Last updated:18 March 2019 15:39
Relevance: 0.607
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Using Arduino and Android to help disabled people to control mobile devices

Status: Live|Last updated:18 March 2019 15:37
Relevance: 0.531
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Dulong_ A.pdf

NFC poster project

Status: Live|Last updated:18 March 2019 15:40
Relevance: 0.531
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IJas-15 Jan 2012(1).pdf

A Formal Language for the Expression of Pattern Compositions

Type: journal article
Year: 2012
Access: openAccess
Status: Live|Last updated:24 June 2019 15:25
Relevance: 0.455
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Brookes lecturer wins BBC Mastermind 2011 title

Dr Ian Bayley, Senior Lecturer in Computing at Oxford Brookes won the BBC Mastermind 2011 title recently. Dr Bayley is no stranger to national Quiz titles having won BBC Radio 4's Brain of Britain competition in 2010.

Status: Live|Last updated:26 May 2021 15:57
Relevance: 0.351
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Headlines concerning various scandals in the 1994 prize year

Chair of judges, Professor John Bayley claimed that 'new fiction is at best ambitious and at worst pretentious'; the shortlist was compared to the sleeping pill 'Mogadon'; the wife of Booker judge James Wood, Claire Messud, was included on the shortlist; the expletive heavy content of the winning novel; judge Rabbi Julia Neuberger's dislike of the winning novel.

Type: text
Creators: Daily Telegraph, Guardian, Independent on Sunday, Times;
Year: 2018
Access: openAccess
Status: Live|Last updated:29 April 2019 14:33
Relevance: 0.268
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Uncovering researcher behaviours and engagement with Open Access, 20 May, Oxford Brookes University: presentations

Jisc OA Good Practice - Sarah Fahmy Researcher Behaviours and Attitudes – evidence so far. Making sense: a researcher centred approach to funder mandates Project aims - perspectives and methodologies - Stuart Hunt, Oxford Brookes University Open Access interviews - the practicalities, findings and conclusions Sharon Potter Nottingham Trent University Making sense at Portsmouth - Andrew Simpson,University of Portsmouth What next? - ethnographical interviews and cultural probes - Rowena Rouse, Oxford Brookes University Open to Open Access (O2OA) - Julie Bayley, Coventry University Using intervention development approaches: intervention mapping - Julie Bayley

Status: Live|Last updated:06 October 2023 20:47
Relevance: 0.266
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Oxford Brookes wins again in University Challenge

Oxford Brookes University defeated Christ's College Cambridge 185-160 in an exciting quarter final of the popular TV quiz show University Challenge.

Status: Live|Last updated:26 May 2021 15:53
Relevance: 0.215
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Exploratory datamorphic testing of classification applications - 2020 - Zhu Bayley.pdf

Exploratory datamorphic testing of classification applications

Testing has been widely recognised as difficult for AI applications. This paper proposes a set of testing strategies for testing machine learning applications in the framework of the datamorphism testing methodology. In these strategies, testing aims at exploring the data space of a classification or clustering application to discover the boundaries between classes that the machine learning application defines. This enables the tester to understand precisely the behaviour and function of the software under test. In the paper, three variants of exploratory strategies are presented with the algorithms as implemented in the automated datamorphic testing tool Morphy. The correctness of these algorithms are formally proved. The paper also reports the results of some controlled experiments with Morphy that study the factors that affect the test effectiveness of the strategies.

Type: conference paper
Creators: Zhu Hong; Bayley, Ian;
Year: 2020
Access: postEmbargoOpenAccess
Status: Live|Last updated:07 October 2020 15:55
Relevance: 0.215
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