Dr John F Nunn MD DSc PhD FRCS FRCA in interview with Lady Wendy Ball

Source: 10.24384/000053

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Upbringing and family life.

Education and sporting, as well as experiences during the war.

University experience and mountaineering.

Early career and meeting his wife.

Experiences in the Malayan Medical Service, and how this lead to working in anaesthesia.

Career development while in the Malayan Medical Service, self-teaching, teaching others, and general life.

Moving back to Brimingham and career in Birmingham.

Work as a PhD student.

Changes to practice and teaching in the field of anesthesia.

Creating apparatus and anestheising people at high altitude.

Moving from London to Leeds, and his work in Leeds.

Working at the Medical Research Council.

Working as dean of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

Importance of honorary memberships to various societies.

End of career and the future of anaesthetic research and training.

Work in retirement and writing about Ancient Egypt.