Title image, cartoon of a PPR

Stage 3: Initial diagnostics

This might involve the process study review leader meeting with key individuals who manage or operate the process under review to gain insight into those processes. It might also involve gaining the views of the end users and customers.

This can be achieved through 1 to 1 interviews, group diagnostic interviews or a short target questionnaire.

At the end of this stage the process study review leader may have collated:

  • existing documentation related to the process, examples being
    • relevant policies, procedures, guidance notes, and so on;
    • operating manuals/documentation;
    • current forms used;
    • organisation charts;
    • screenshots of web and system applications;
    • database extracts and reports;
    • relevant KPI data.
  • sources of user/customer feedback
  • financial costings associated with process.

More importantly the process study review leader should have gained valuable insights into the issues and problems associated with the process.

They may also be in a position to establish an initial rough process map.