Reflective resources

Selected by Marion Waite, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, and participants on the #fslt12 MOOC (massive open online course)

I have harvested some open educational resources (OERs) and open source material on reflective practice in teaching and learning from the following repositories, which have been set up to promote teaching and learning:

Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT)


This is a selection from my search and certainly not exhaustive and I look forward to the additions, which you wish to contribute to this list.

Writing in the disciplines

This is a reflective writing tutorial, which you may find helpful as an introductory guide if you are new to reflective writing

Critical Thinkers

The following three profiles provide a good overview  to three of the most influential thinkers in the arena of reflective practice.

David Kolb

Michael Polyani

Donald Schon

Experience-based learning

This is a link to an article by Anderson, Boud and Cohen, which provides an overview of learning from experience within teaching and learning

Reflection in online and offline discussions

The folowing podcast is an interview with Stephen Brookfield and features a discussion about developing critical thinking in online and offline discussions

What is reflection

The following OER is an interactive guide to reflection. One of the interesting dimensions about reflective practice is the skill of teaching reflection to others. I find resources like this OER are excellent for introducing some basic principles.