3. Choose when the Originality Report is available, what it is checked against and what is included in the check
2. Choose the appropriate general settings for your assignment
5. Adjust post date as required
1. Add the Turnitin assignment to your course page.
4. Save and display your assignment
Creating a Turnitin assignment in your Moodle course.
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Add the Turnitin assignment to your course page.
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Choose when the Originality Report is available, what it is checked against and what is included in the check.
1. Students cannot resubmit. Submissions must be deleted by the tutor to enable resubmission. 2. Students can resubmit until the due date and time but new Originality Reports will take 24 hours to appear. Only the latest version of the report is available and the reports will compare all assignments within the dropbox. 3. Students may resubmit as many times as needed until the due date and time without receiving reports. Resubmissions may not be made after the due date and time.
Exclude Bibliography Choosing Yes excludes from the Originality Report assignment text that appears after the headings ‘bibliography', 'works cited' and ‘references'. Exclude Quoted Material Choosing Yes excludes from the Originality Report text that appears between double quotation marks. Exclude Small Matches Setting a value here indicates that the Similarity Index for every Originality Report should exclude matches equal to or less than the value you specify. The value can be either a number of words or a percentage of the text. The default setting is that all matches are shown.
Student submissions after the due date and time will be signalled in red in the date column in the assignment inbox. Submissions beyond the assignment due date and time cannot be overwriten.
Determines whether or not submissions are stored in the Standard Repository, open to all Turnitin users. For formative use, you should choose No Repository.
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    Turnitin Assignment
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Choose the appropriate general settings for your assignment
Anonymous Marking Assignments are marked anonymously by default in line with University marking policy.
Display Description For the summary to be visible to students this box must be checked
Submission Type Select the type of submission you want your students to make: a File Upload (where they attach a document), a Text Submission (where they type or copy and paste their submission into a text box), or either.
Show Advanced Settings
     File Upload
Number of Parts You can usually leave this setting unchanged. N.B. If you want your students to make a draft submission before their final submission, you should create two separate assignment dropboxes – one that does not add the draft assignment to the Turnitin repository and one that does.
Originality Reports This determines whether students can see their originality reports. It should be set to ‘Yes' when drafting. For final submissions set it to ‘No'.
Name and Description Give your assignment a name and a short summary
Digital skills for lifelong learning
Maximum File Size This is set by default to the maximum allowed by Turnitin of 40MB. You probably don’t need to reduce it.
Coursework assignment for week 6. Deadline 10 March. Please submit your work here. Audio feedback will be provided.
Click on the pencil icon to adjust start, due and post dates as required
Adjust start, due and post dates as required
Click 'Submit' to save changes
Save and display
That's it, done!