Conference Paper

A case for technology-forcing transformative changes in the Formula 1 power unit


Formula 1 has always played a major role in technological advancements within the automotive and motorsport sectors. The adaptive changes introduced for the Power Unit (PU) in 2014 forced constructors, in collaboration with industry partners, to invent technologies for exceeding 50% brake thermal efficiency within a short span of time, demonstrating that technology-forcing regulations through motorsport is the favorable route to achieve transformative changes within the automotive sector. Therefore, in an attempt to address arising global warming and health concerns, the present work analytically examines the ambient air quality in track stadia during F1 race events to identify potential PU exhaust emission targets. It models the volume of air contained within the circuits located near heavily built-up areas assuming stagnant air conditions and uniform mixing. The total quantity of exhaust emissions present in the ambient air during the race is estimated using EURO-VI emission standards for different gaseous species and particulate matter. Pollutant concentrations during the race are compared with WHO air quality exposure guidelines in order to identify new emission targets for the next generation F1 PU. Achieving the proposed levels through technology-forcing regulations would underlie fast-paced, ultra clean, Internal Combustion Engine developments applicable to both the motorsport and automotive sectors. A systematic methodology followed for estimating the quantity of air contained within the stadia, total quantity of exhaust emissions from the PUs, targets for transformative changes in exhaust emission levels, and a case for emission targets for Formula 1 PUs are given in this paper.

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Elmagdoub, Abdelrahman
Samuel, Stephen

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2021
Date of RADAR deposit: 2021-02-04

All rights reserved.

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