
casa – reflections on house & home


‘[The house] is the human being’s first world’. (G. Bachelard). A piano recital inspired by the readings of Bachelard’s The Poetics of Space, his reflections about the house, how it shelters and shapes our memories, thoughts and dreams. As an organic consequence of the dynamics and questions raised during the creative process, this project turned to be an invitation to a journey through memories and intimacy. It became an autobiographical work, with the intention that, hopefully it can resonate to one’s own memories and reflections from their ‘houses’ and/ or ‘homes’. Element of research: the space of performance – multiple pianos, objects (music boxes, wardrobe, photos, recordings), portable lighting (home lamps), moving performer, and moving audience (no audience seats provided).

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Decoté, Késia
Bonafé, Valéria
Rezende, Marisa
Penha, Gustavo
Moreira, Daniel
Puig, Daniel
Berg, Silvia


Project Members: Horwood, Joel; Drummer, Rob; McKessock-Gordon, Ross; Allsopp, Stu; Newton, Alex

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Arts
Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment


Year: 2018


Oxford, England

© Decoté, Késia; Bonafé, Valéria; Rezende, Marisa; Penha, Gustavo; Moreira, Daniel; Puig, Daniel; Berg, Silvia
Published by Oxford Brookes University
All rights reserved.

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  • Owner: Unknown user
  • Collection: Research
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 135