Conference Paper

Automated Testing of Web Services Based on Algebraic Specifications


The testing of web services must be done in a completely automated manner when it takes place on-the-fly due to third-party services are dynamically composed to. We present an approach that uses algebraic specification to make this possible. Test data is generated from a formal specification and then used to construct and submit service requests. Test results are then extracted and checked against the specification. All these are done automatically, as required. We present ASSAT (Algebraic Specification-Based Service Automated Testing), a prototype tool that performs these tasks and demonstrate its utility by applying it to Amazon Web Services, a real-life industrial example.

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Liu, Dongmei
Liu, Yuxin
Zhang, Xin
Zhu, Hong
Bayley, Ian

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2015
Date of RADAR deposit: 2020-08-06

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