
for her


'for her' is a piano performance with additional elements conceived to raise awareness about child trafficking and sexual exploitation. The work presents three structural elements: piano performance, testimonies, and dolls scattered among the audience. In order to open additional channels of perception, the “defamiliarization” technique was explored through the visual element of placed dolls. Results from experimental performances raised questions about the unity of the work, strategies to enhance engagement and the performer figure. This work intends to encourage an investigation of the sensorial impact of the blending of varied elements within the performance space, whilst simultaneously inviting a social reflection through an artistic experience. The final version of the project was performed in Oxford, UK (07/06/2015, 23/07/2015), Aveiro, Portugal (11/06/2015) and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (03/09/2015).

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Decoté, Késia
Allsopp, Stu
Corona, Pier
Guastalla, Bruno
Kasai, Aya (CARU)
Coutinho, Renata
Decothé, Esmeralda


Other contributors: Dray, Hannah; Cordova de La Rosa, Veronica; Pickering, Jo; Aldous, Alice

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Arts
Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment


Year: 2018

© Decoté, Késia; Allsopp, Stu; Corona, Pier; Guastalla, Bruno; Kasai, Aya; Coutinho, Renata; Decothé, Esmeralda
Published by Oxford Brookes University
All rights reserved.

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  • Owner: Unknown user
  • Collection: Research
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 84