In this paper, we will describe the distribution of the multiple clause linkage structure within actual spoken and written Japanese. We will examine three Japanese corpora: BCCWJ, CSJ and OCOJ. By identifying distributions of multiple clause linkage structures in corpora of contemporary Japanese (BCCWJ and CSJ), we shed light on what kinds of settings give rise to what type of clause linkage structures through what processes. The dynamic rewriting rule proposed by Kondo (2005) is introduced as a model for the incremental production of multiple clause linkage structures. Some common patterns of such structures occurring in Old Japanese are identified by OCOJ and compared to patterns in BCCWJ and CSJ.
Takehiko, MaruyamaHorn, Stephen W.Russell, Kerri L.Frellesvig , Bjarke
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences\Department of English and Modern Languages
Year of publication: 2017Date of RADAR deposit: 2018-05-08