Journal Article

Slavery and abolition in Chartist thought and culture, 1838-1850


In Britain between 1838 and 1858 the Chartist movement demanded the implementation of the ‘Six Points’, a parcel of Parliamentary reforms centred on universal male suffrage. Despite the movement’s recognised importance, little study has been made into Chartism’s attitude towards slavery and abolitionism. This article will provide the first comprehensive study of this topic, from Chartism’s origins in the 1830s until its decline in the decade after 1848. It will illustrate that Chartism was influenced by the radical labour component of the ‘Democratic’ coalition that supported President Andrew Jackson. This helped reinforce amongst early Chartists theories that wage labour was more exploitative than chattel slavery, alongside a racist reaction to West Indian emancipation more extreme than has previously been acknowledged. By 1842, however, various changes within the movement helped bring to the fore more consistently antislavery and even anti-racist sentiment with Chartist culture, as did growing exposure to American abolitionism, especially that of William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass. The development of the antislavery ‘Free Soil’ ideology amongst American labour radicals profoundly influenced the late Chartist position on slavery by inserting abolition into Chartist aspirations for land reform. Consequently, a core component of late Chartism was its own antislavery ‘Free Soil’ ideology, which greatly informed pro-Union working-class agitation during the American Civil War.

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Scriven, Tom

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of History, Philosophy and Culture


Year of publication: Not yet published.
Date of RADAR deposit: 2021-11-09

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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