Conference Poster

A Critique of the Education System: Focusing on Black Youths and their Social Mobility in Inner Cities throughout England


There is a 1 in 17 million chance a black child born today becoming PM making them 12 times less likely than a white child. Justification for an issue that transcends both academic and intellectual interests is as easy as stating a fact as startling as the one above. The idea that black youth’s imbalance with their racial counterparts is synonymous with educational attainment is a truth guarded by the obliviousness of the masses. The reasons for which is one this research aims to deconstruct. My research was done through a variety of methods. Initially, I provided statistics which backed my initial reasoning on the topic, those similar to the one above. However, I have endeavoured to use methods such as personal interviews and surveys among others to diversify my research to ensure a thorough research relating to all the pertinent issues. Reflecting on personal experiences and digging deeper into the sentiments expressed throughout our society was also key. The significance of my results depends on how honest you are with yourself. When we look beyond the façade that our society places upon us to object to any prejudice, we are left with the prejudice that this system has ingrained within its core. The severity of the issue has dawned on me throughout my research and has left me echoing the words of the revolutionist Che Guevara: “Every day you have to fight so that love for humanity can be transformed into concrete deeds”.

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Aina, Yinka

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences\School of Law


Year: 2018

© The Author(s)
Published by Oxford Brookes University

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