Book Chapter

Pregnancy without birth : a feminist philosophy of miscarriage. Introduction


Putting miscarriage experiences front and centre when these narratives are so often marginalized, misunderstood and silenced, can illuminate important aspects of pregnancy that move beyond its childbearing function, and expand our understanding of the multiple ways pregnancy can play out and be lived. Pregnancy Without Birth brings miscarrying and un-pregnant bodies into the centre of the frame can do important work in destabilizing normative models of pregnancy as a passage to birth and motherhood; and conversely, if such models were destabilized, miscarriage would become less “unthinkable” in the process. Victoria Browne takes up themes that are commonly articulated within personal accounts of miscarriage —feelings of failure, of guilt and powerlessness, of uncertainty and loss, of being “stuck in limbo”, of exclusion from the “pregnancy world”—as catalysts for a serious philosophical and political rethink of pregnancy.

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Browne, Victoria

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Social Sciences


Year of publication: 2022
Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-12-07

All rights reserved.

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This RADAR resource is Identical to Pregnancy without birth: A feminist philosophy of miscarriage. Introduction
This RADAR resource is Part of Pregnancy without birth: A feminist philosophy of miscarriage [ISBN: 9781350279681] / by Victorian Browne (Bloomsbury, 2023).


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