Thesis (Ph.D)

Tourists and anti-social behaviour: a framework that establishes management responses


The purpose of this study is to explore the contemporary social phenomenon of soft ASB in tourism, specifically in Andalucia, Spain. A series of observations, interviews with tourists and hosts and focus groups were conducted during the period of two tourist seasons. The aim was to establish the types of ASB exhibited by UK leisure tourists and to explore the reasons for the ASB exhibited. A qualitative approach to research was adopted and data were analysed and interpreted following the constant comparison method. Findings show that soft ASB exists in Andalucia. However, tourist and host perceptions of ASB were different. For the tourists ASB focused on the drinking culture of the UK leisure tourist. For the host ASB constituted reluctance by the British to embrace Spanish culture demonstrated through, for example, a preference by the tourist to consume British style food rather than Spanish. ASB is notoriously difficult to define and to date has not been defined in tourism. For this study a fresh definition has been created based on the findings of this study. This has taken into account the broader context of ASB and the reasons for ASB. This study has developed a framework that establishes management responses to and management implications of ASB in a cross-cultural tourism context and which suggests a practical and theoretical approach to ASB. Whist the findings are not considered to be generalisable the framework and qualitative research approach could be adopted for investigations into a range of tourist behaviour.

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Borradaile, S-J

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Business
Oxford School of Hospitality Management


Year: 2012

© Borradaile, S-J
Published by Oxford Brookes University
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