Image Sources: A guide to finding photographs, pictures and graphics


A Library Research Guide to finding and using print, electronic and web images for use in coursework

Links to resources

  • Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats... Filename: Image Sources.docx Size: 84.24 KB Author: FOWLER, CHRIS Publisher: Oxford Brookes University Last edited: 24 August 2021 11:46 Pages: 5 Words: 1307 Views (since Sept 2022): 56
  • Type: PDF Document Filename: Image Sources.pdf Size: 72.15 KB Views (since Sept 2022): 236

Teaching subject area



image picture photograph graphics ill;ustrations databases search engines

Date produced


Faculty or department

Directorate of Learning Resources\Library

Graduate attributes

Digital and information literacy


copyright Oxford Brookes University, except where indicated in the item description


  • Owner: Unknown user
  • Collection: OER
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 206