Book Chapter

The spike generation processes: a case for low level computation


Over the last couple of years, it can be said that the focus of the computational aspects of neurons has moved from synaptic weight and firing rate encoding to temporal firing encoding. On the other hand, several elements of these models have been based on some conceptual assumptions that imply relative simple dynamic behaviour of neuronal membrane activity in an active-passive process. In line with recent advances that have produced a better understanding of the biochemical processes that occur within cells, it is proposed that the processes that are involved in a membrane depolarisation cascade are less static than have been assumed so far. In particular, the possibilities of low level computation at the membrane level need to be explored more extensively. In this chapter some computational properties of the spike generation processes are explored using phenomenological models.

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Olde Scheper, Tjeerd V. S. M.

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment\Department of Computing and Communication Technologies


Year of publication: 2008
Date of RADAR deposit: 2017-11-09

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