Thesis (Ph.D)

Engineering Tolerance: Origins of Multicultural Education Policies in the Atlantic World from 1941 to 1988


This study aims to trace the lines of communication between the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and France from the early 1940s through 1989 on one subject of policymaking— attempts to shape the minds of citizens through education and schooling. Resulting policies were remarkably similar, in that these were policies that reorganized schools systems and repurposed education to establish in their children a new, more tolerant, and open mind-set. This shift into an interconnected transnational framework should deepen and broaden the scale and scope of my work’s novelty and contribution to the field. In particular, seeking to establish a direct correlation between the United Kingdom and comparators in the Atlantic World, with the United Kingdom as a locus for the greater transnational development of multicultural education policies, will be an original contribution to the discipline. The examination of this thesis was a transnational one that tracked the open dialogue between comparator nations and the resulting influence of each nation on the others. The foci are those pieces of policy that planned shifts in education policy in order to establish how these education policies interrelated. One goal of this thesis was to establish which policy networks between these nations supported emergent policies that could, and would, mirror or birth multicultural education. This paved the way for further analyses of how these policies were moulded not only by national concerns but by international organizations and participation in global planning. The UK, the US, Canada, and France, through a transnational policymaking cycle, have succeeded in building a set of interrelated education and integrative policies. These education policies focussed on rationalizing an increasingly diverse world, while promoting the essential benefits of education to engineer a tolerant mind-set in its future citizens.

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Bashor, Melanie

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Education


Year: 2016

© Bashor, Melanie
Published by Oxford Brookes University
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