Journal Article

EEG spectral power in developmental coordination disorder and attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder: A pilot study


Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) overlap in symptoms and often co-occur. Differentiation of DCD and ADHD is crucial for a better understanding of the conditions and targeted support. Measuring electrical brain activity with EEG may help to discern and better understand the conditions given that it can objectively capture changes and potential differences in brain activity related to externally measurable symptoms beneficial for targeted interventions. Therefore, a pilot study was conducted to exploratorily examine neurophysiological differences between adults with DCD and/or ADHD at rest. A total of N = 46 adults with DCD (n = 12), ADHD (n = 9), both DCD + ADHD (n = 8), or typical development (n = 17) completed 2 min of rest with eyes-closed and eyes-open while their EEG was recorded. Spectral power was calculated for frequency bands: delta (0.5–3 Hz), theta (3.5–7 Hz), alpha (7.5–12.5 Hz), beta (13–25 Hz), mu (8–13 Hz), gamma (low: 30–40 Hz; high: 40–50 Hz). Within-participants, spectral power in a majority of waveforms significantly increased from eyes-open to eyes-closed conditions. Groups differed significantly in occipital beta power during the eyes-open condition, driven by the DCD versus typically developing group comparison. However, other group comparisons reached only marginal significance, including whole brain alpha and mu power with eyes-open, and frontal beta and occipital high gamma power during eyes-closed. While no strong markers could be determined to differentiate DCD versus ADHD, we theorize that several patterns in beta activity were indicative of potential motor maintenance differences in DCD at rest. Therefore, larger studies comparing EEG spectral power may be useful to identify neurological mechanisms of DCD and continued differentiation of DCD and ADHD.

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Meachon, Emily J.
Kundlacz, Marlene
Wilmut, Kate
Alpers, Georg W.

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Psychology, Health and Professional Development


Year of publication: 2024
Date of RADAR deposit: 2024-03-25

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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