Thesis (Ph.D)

Site layout: how it is perceived to affect productivity in public sector construction projects in Sri Lanka


Improved productivity in the construction industry (Cl) can have an important role in improving national competitiveness and achieving a satisfactory growth rate in developing countries. The Sri Lanka (SL) State Engineering Corporation, SL Building Department, SL Port Authority and SL Labour Department have experienced that most of their projects are affected by low productivity. Most projects have also suffered from serious setbacks, and in certain cases even termination, of contracts: productivity is believed to be low compared to other developing countries and the Asian sub-continent in particular. The construction site layout plan (SLP) is one of the focal factors which strongly influence construction productivity. This research aims to investigate how productivity could be improved in the Sri public sector building CI through effective SLP. The main objective of this research is to develop an empirically grounded framework for understanding the relationship between SLP and site productivity in the Sri Lankan construction industry (SLCI). The semi-structured interview was chosen as a main research instrument for data collection. 60 site staff members were randomly selected from 15 construction sites within the context of construction projects commissioned by the Sri Lankan public sector. The findings from the study show that the employers in Sri Lanka are aware of the supposed advantages of efficient SLP in Cl. However, construction SLP in the developed regions in the Sri Lankan CI is not vastly different from SLP in remote regions in the Sri Lankan Cl. Effective and efficient SLP in SLCI would contribute to improving their productivity considerably. The study contributes to the body of knowledge on productive construction site layout and also presents a SLP framework for improving construction productivity in the SLCI. The implementation of this SLP framework could give a new dimension and benefits to the SLCI. If successfully implemented this same framework, could be applied in other industries such as manufacturing. It could also be used in other developing countries - particularly in the Asian sub-region.

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Nanayakkara, Leyon


Year: 2012

© Nanayakkara, Leyon
Published by Oxford Brookes University
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