Postgraduate Dissertation



In the rapidly expanding domain of English language teaching centres (ELTCs), there exists a notable gap in understanding the perceptions, challenges, and strategies employed by ELTC managers and leaders. This research endeavours to bridge this gap, acknowledging both the theoretical and practical implications of enhanced management within this sector. The crux of the problem is a lack of sector-specific insight into effective ELTC management and leadership, necessitating this inquiry into the shared experiences and strategies of those at the helm. Aiming to shed light on this, there were three stages of empirical research; questionnaires, interviews, and a focus group. The qualitative data from the questionnaires and interviews underwent Reflexive Thematic Analysis, and from this analysis, a list of recommendations was compiled, which were then reviewed and amended by a focus group. From the data amassed, five pivotal themes emerged. These encapsulated areas ranging from the significance of self-awareness and the imperative for 'cultural intelligence' in international settings, to the central role of communication in leadership, the importance of professional development, fostering trust, and the role of flexibility. The findings suggest that effective leadership in ELTCs necessitates a multi-faceted approach, blending self-awareness with adaptability, effective communication, and continuous learning. Conclusively, the research underscores the need for ELTC managers and leaders to be equipped with tools that cater to the unique challenges of this sector. Recommendations include a focus on training programmes emphasising cultural intelligence, communication skills, and fostering environments conducive to continuous learning and feedback. Such strategies are poised to elevate the effectiveness and impact of ELTC leadership globally.

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Frangos, Stephania Vasiliki


Rights Holders: Frangos, Stephania Vasiliki

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Education, Humanities and Languages

Degree programme

MA Education (Leadership and Management)



© Frangos, Stephania Vasiliki
Published by Oxford Brookes University
All rights reserved
