Thesis (Ph.D)

Who's in power? : a comparative investigation of the forces shaping British and Danish energy policy, 1950-1980


The aim of the thesis is to establish a framework for evaluating current trends in energy policy through an historical analysis of British and Danish energy policy. The focus of the thesis is on changes in the issues, objectives and methods of state energy policy. For each country, these changes are recorded and sub-periods characterized by stabili ty of goals and methods are ident if ied. A comparison between the countries shows similarity both as regard period characteristics and time of transition to another approach. Investigating the development of political activity related to energy it is found that changes in energy policy have reflected the ideas of different political groups in the period. Furthermore it is found, that these ideas reflect the cahnging character of energy-related problems. An investigation into the development of economic and resource conditions indicate that these conditions are themselves influenced by energy policy. The role of technological change is then investigated and again it is concluded that energy technological change reflects state energy policy. Hence, it is concluded that it is not possible to isolate one single set of causes which will allow us to explain why the focus of energy policy has changed across time. Considering the applicability of different theories of. social change to this problem, it is concluded that a non-determinist theory is necessary in order to explain the observed changes. Taking as a starting point the trialand error theory of social change developed by V. C. Petersen, a framework for further analysis is presented.

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Andersen, Tine

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment


Year: 1986

Published by Oxford Brookes University
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