Can sharing photographs help people to stay connected with others?

From the Oxford Brookes University News Archive

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Can sharing photographs help people to stay connected with others?


Are there perceived benefits of sharing photos online and via social media for people over 60 years old?

This research project is funded by the Sir Halley Stewart Trust and is a joint project between The Open University and Oxford Brookes University, with support from AgeUK Milton Keynes and Oxford.

We are investigating whether sharing photographs online and through social media helps people over 60 years old to feel less socially isolated and whether sharing photos may enhance wellbeing.

The project addresses the issues of ageing, loneliness, physical wellbeing, mental health, and cognitive skills all of which are pressing issues for our aging society. Focus groups, online surveys and face to face interviews are being used as the data collection tools and initial results will be available from September 2018. If you would like to know more about the study please contact Dr Sarah Quinton

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  • Version: 1 (show all)
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  • Views (since Sept 2022): 437