Conference Paper

Interior architecture: The evolution of a discipline


This paper chronicles the evolution of Interior Architecture through the lens of the Interior Architecture programme at Oxford Brookes University. Interior Architecture as a proper academic field originated from architecture but with a specific scope – to investigate and design the experiential/spatial conditions of buildings. This led it to be influenced significantly by other disciplines in regard to methodology, pedagogy, and even the subject matter of the programme. Whereas naturally it shares most of its critical framework with architecture and interior design, and draws upon similar theoretical contributions and practices, Interior Architecture incorporates findings and methodologies from other disciplines such as behavioural psychology, social studies, and research on perception. It has now consolidated into an independent academic field, able to offer significant insights on design strategies for people in the built environment, which can be applied meaningfully back into architecture studies. Specifically, Interior Architecture at Oxford Brookes has placed the experience of space as the subject matter in the built environment through innovative design briefs, and academic publication. The design work and research produced by its students and staff is turning into a compressive methodology of design. This incorporates the idea that programmes of occupation are a-priori design strategies, conducted with an appreciation of variable spatial conditions and perceptive atmospheric qualities.

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Placidi, Andrea
Sarfatti, Orit

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment\School of Architecture


Year of publication: 2017
Date of RADAR deposit: 2018-07-30

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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This RADAR resource is Part of Architecture Connects : Association of Architectural Educators, 4th International Peer Reviewed Conference


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