In this paper we present the results from a recent micromechanical investigation aimed at developing methodologies for testing and understanding the fundamental behaviour of meniscal tissue. To achieve this, we employed two distinctly different, but equally relevant mechanical testing platforms – uniaxial tensile testing and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis. The results from the tensile tests revealed that the studied material exhibits non-linear stress-strain behaviour and that its viscoelastic properties are timedependent. Furthermore, by using DMA it was possible to perform walking and running simulations, which provided furtherinformation of the strain=time response of the meniscal samples. The importance of accurate specimen preparation and actual method development are also presented and discussed in detail.
Maritz, JaredMurphy, FrancescaDragnevski, KalinBarrera, Olga
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Year of publication: 2020Date of RADAR deposit: 2020-06-10