
The variety of books


This is a book about the book. Is this a book? is a question of wide appeal and interest. With the arrival of ebooks, digital narratives and audiobooks, the time is right for a fresh discussion of what is a book. Older definitions that rely solely on print no longer work, and as the boundaries of the book have been broken down, this volume offers a fresh and lively discussion of the form and purpose of the book. How does the audiobook fit into the book family? How is the role of reading changing in the light of digital developments? Does the book still deserve a privileged place in society? The authors present a dynamic model of the book and how it lives on in today's competitive media environment.

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Phillips, Angus
Kovač, Miha

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford International Centre for Publishing


Year of publication: 2022
Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-05-23

This material has been published in: Is this a book? / by Angus Phillips and Miha Kovač []. This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution or re-use. © Angus Phillips and Miha Kovač, 2022.

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This RADAR resource is Part of Is this a book? [ISBN: 9781108940344] / Angus Phillips and Miha Kovač (Cambridge UP, 2022). Article has an altmetric score of 29


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