This study investigated which components of the writing production process are impaired in Spanish children with developmental dyslexia (DD) aged 8-12 years. Children with and without dyslexia (n = 60) were assessed in their use of the lexical and the sublexical routes of spelling as well as the orthographic working memory system by manipulating lexical frequency, phonology-to-orthography (P-O) consistency and word length in a copying task and a spelling-to-dictation task. Results revealed that children with dyslexia produced longer written latencies than chronological age-matched (CA) controls, more errors than CA and reading age-matched (RA) controls and writing durations similar to CA controls. Latencies were more affected by frequency, consistency and length in the DD group and the RA group than in CA controls. Children in the DD and RA groups produced longer written latencies in the copying than in the spelling-to-dictation task, while controls in the CA group were not affected by the task. Results indicate that spelling impairments in Spanish children with dyslexia affect the relative involvement of lexical and sublexical information during handwriting. Meanwhile effects on writing speed seem to be related to deficits in reading ability, accuracy scores seem to be poorer than expected by children’s reading skill.
Afonso, OliviaSuárez-Coalla, PazCuetos, Fernando
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences\Department of Psychology, Health and Professional Development
Year of publication: 2019Date of RADAR deposit: 2018-02-07