Conference Paper

Big SaaS: The Next Step Beyond Big Data


Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a model of cloud computing in which software functions are delivered to the users as services. The past few years have witnessed its global flourishing. In the foreseeable future, SaaS applications will integrate with the Internet of Things, Mobile Computing, Big Data, Wireless Sensor Networks, and many other computing and communication technologies to deliver customizable intelligent services to a vast population. This will give rise to an era of what we call Big SaaS systems of unprecedented complexity and scale. They will have huge numbers of tenants/users interrelated in complex ways. The code will be complex too and require Big Data but provide great value to the customer. With these benefits come great societal risks, however, and there are other drawbacks and challenges. For example, it is difficult to ensure the quality of data and metadata obtained from crowdsourcing and to maintain the integrity of conceptual model. Big SaaS applications will also need to evolve continuously. This paper will discuss how to address these challenges at all stages of the software lifecycle.

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Zhu, Hong
Bayley, Ian
Younas, Muhammad
Lightfoot, David
Yousef, Basel
Liu, Dongmei

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2015
Date of RADAR deposit: 2020-07-07

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This RADAR resource is the Accepted Manuscript of Big SaaS: The Next Step Beyond Big Data


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