Journal Article

intER-ACTINg: the structure and dynamics of ER and actin are interlinked


The actin cytoskeleton is the driver of gross ER remodelling and the move-mentandpositioning of othermembrane-boundorganellessuchasGolgibodies.Rapid ER membrane remodelling is a feature of most plant cells and is importantfor normal cellular processes, including targeted secretion, immunity and sig-nalling. Modifications to the actin cytoskeleton through pharmacological agentssuch as Latrunculin B and phalloidin, or disruption of normal myosin func-tion also affect ER structure and/or dynamics. Here, we investigate the impactof changes in the actin cytoskeleton on structure and dynamics on the ER aswell as in return the impact of modified ER structure on the architecture of theactin cytoskeleton. By expressing actin markers that affect actin dynamics, orexpressing of ER-shaping proteins that influence ER architecture, we found thatthe structure of ER-actin networks is closely inter-related; affecting one compo-nent is likely to have a direct effect on the other. Therefore, our results indicatethat a complicated regulatory machinery and cross-talk between these two struc-tures must exist in plants to co-ordinate the function of ER-actin network duringmultiple subcellular processes. In addition, when considering organelle struc-tureanddynamics,thechoiceofactinmarkerisessentialinpreventingoff-targetorganelle structure and dynamics modifications.

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Pain, Charlotte
Tolmie, Frances
Wojcik, Stefan
Wang Pengwei
Kriechbaumer, Verena

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Biological and Medical Sciences


Year of publication: 2022
Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-08-10

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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