
The Avant-Gardes and Speculative Technology (AGAST) Project: Ashmolean Live Friday Event 05/25/18


This record contains the captured audio/video interactions of the AGAST project team members, with members of the general public, and the public's engagement with the topic of research. Investigation into past reading technology, while speculating how emerging technology might affect how the public interacts with reading in the future, is the intended focus of the collected data. Public exposure to previously unheard of reading technologies resulted in members of the public thinking and conveying thoughts and ideas that past pioneer's of reading technology had, in pursuit of new forms of reading... The records contained within are videos shot in local Oxford locations. AGAST attended these events to present it's research to the general public. These records contain evidence of public interactions, interviews with members of the public, public engagement with AGAST materials and displays and lectures. The Avant-Gardes and Speculative Technology (AGAST) Project

DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

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White, Eric (Oxford Brookes University)
Twycross, John (Oxford Brookes University)


Contact Person: Doherty, Sarah (Ashmolean Museum); Downey, Frances (Royal Society)
Data Managers: Bullock, David (Oxford Brookes University)
Research Group: Wild, Fridolin (PAL-Oxford Brookes)

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Year: 2019


Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont Street, Oxford, OX1 2PH

© Oxford Brookes University
Published by Oxford Brookes University

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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This RADAR resource is Part of Avant-Gardes and Speculative Technology


  • Owner: David Bullock
  • Collaborators: Eric White
  • Collection: Research
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 147