Postgraduate Dissertation

The Saudi Consumers’ Attitudes toward the Purchase of Luxury Motorcars


The aim of the research is to contemplate Saudi consumer attitudes toward the purchase of luxury motorcars in the Saudi automotive market. In Saudi Arabia, luxury motorcars sales have been increasing in recent years, thus making the automotive market in Saudi Arabia the biggest in the Middle East and the Gulf region. Therefore, studying Saudi consumer attitudes is particularly significant. Afterward, the general analysis of Saudi consumers is based on Fishbein’s Multiattribute Attitude Model, which includes three main components (Affect, Behaviour and Cognition). In addition, the study incorporates consumers from different age groups. Moreover, the study mainly examines the characteristics of luxury motorcars. Regarding the research method, the core methods are descriptive and support the hypotheses. Also, the method of collecting the information is quantitative. Likewise, the precise method for collecting the information is through questionnaire with an actual sample size of 391. For the measurement of data collected, version 21 of SPSS software will be used to complete the analysis and test the hypotheses. The main findings of the study confirm that Saudi consumer attitude toward the purchase of luxury motorcars is strong. In addition, consumer responses of their cognition and the intention underlying their behaviour have a stronger attitude in comparison to consumer affection responses. Moreover, the variable of consumer income group has a significant effect on Saudi consumer intentions with respect to the purchase of luxury motorcars. It is acknowledged from the findings that cognition has a significant role in the intentions that underpin consumer behaviour. Therefore, luxury motorcars are able to induce and elicit affection from Saudi consumers and create objective consumers of luxury motorcars to increase in the long term.

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Alnosayan, Mashael Khalid

Oxford Brookes departments


Degree programme

MSc Marketing



Published by Oxford Brookes University
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