The article examines the nature of impacts of the rapidly growing Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) industry on tourism and recreation in coastal communities, especially in the UK. The multi-methods research approach includes reviews of literature, content of OWF Environmental Statements (ESs) for predicted impacts, recent practice for actual impacts, and the use of mitigation and enhancement measures. Findings from literature indicate that the overall impact on tourism appears relatively benign, and sometimes positive. The UK ES review identified tourism as an important topic, identifying mostly no/negligible predicted negative impacts, and some examples of predicted positive impacts. There is limited use of enhancement measures, including visitor centres and boat trips, and a previously under-reported use of developer community benefits funding for local area recreation and tourism facilities. Recommendations include early engagement with the community, developer long-term commitment to mitigation and enhancement measures, plus monitoring of tourism and recreation impacts over time.
Glasson, JohnDurning, Bridget Welch, Kellie
School of the Built Environment
Year of publication: 2022Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-11-07