Conference Poster

Understanding the barriers to creating artwork: An artist teacher action research project


This study discusses how and why habit forming behaviour, cognitive, environmental and situational, may restrict the production of my personal artwork and begins to address how barriers might be overcome. The paper begins the barriers that prevent me from producing personal artwork, and this in turn begins to highlight that an artist identity is not salient with my overall identity. Literature pertinent to this study focusses on human psychology in general as well as addressing human behaviour, in particular identity theory and habit forming behaviour. This is an Action Research project and grounded theory is used as a means of collecting, coding and analysing data over a 6 month period. Reviewing data collected began to highlight potential barriers to the non production of personal artwork, the potential barriers are discussed and analysed through memo taking and categorising emerging themes. My data revelead a that I did not idenitfy with an artist identity, and that I had a reluctance to view myself as an artist. My data suggested that this could stem from my arts based designer background; I was not trained to be an artist. The data also revealed that I had not implemented intentional change over the 6 months, merely circumstantial change, and that I was resistant to change. Further barriers where also highlighted, including a lack of perceived skills, a lack of time and competing priorities.

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Panatti, Claudia

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences\School of Education


Year: 2018

© The Author(s)
Published by Oxford Brookes University

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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