A Guide and Trail to Silchesters Environment and History: exploring Silchester Common and the Roman Wall


How to use this Guide These trails with the accompanying guide are designed for anyone with an interest in their surrounding landscape. They are designed as educational tools, as they explore the themes of the trails in depth. They are easy to use and are laid out in an easily manageable way. To enable learning some words are highlighted and explanations of them are given in the glossary at the end of the guide. Boxes offering key information are framed in red, and have been made separate from the other information so you can choose to not read them, although for a better understating of the sites it is not advised to do so. To increase the interactivity of the guide questions have been posed along the trails to encourage reflectivity and independent thought. In order to allow the trail to progress in information, the answers to the questions are displayed within the text further along the trails, this gives the trails a more holistic approach allowing you to have a more enjoyable experience. The trail instructions have been made clear from other text and are italicised, so if the you choose then you can just follow the trials without reading the supporting information.

Links to resources

Teaching subject area


Date produced


Faculty or department

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences\Department of Social Sciences


copyright Oxford Brookes University, except where indicated in the item description


  • Owner: Thomas Shepherd
  • Collection: OER
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 55