Journal Article

Electrical power prediction through a combination of multilayer perceptron with water cycle ant lion and satin bowerbird searching optimizers


Predicting the electrical power (PE) output is a significant step toward the sustainable development of combined cycle power plants. Due to the effect of several parameters on the simulation of PE, utilizing a robust method is of high importance. Hence, in this study, a potent metaheuristic strategy, namely, the water cycle algorithm (WCA), is employed to solve this issue. First, a nonlinear neural network framework is formed to link the PE with influential parameters. Then, the network is optimized by the WCA algorithm. A publicly available dataset is used to feed the hybrid model. Since the WCA is a population-based technique, its sensitivity to the population size is assessed by a trial-and-error effort to attain the most suitable configuration. The results in the training phase showed that the proposed WCA can find an optimal solution for capturing the relationship between the PE and influential factors with less than 1% error. Likewise, examining the test results revealed that this model can forecast the PE with high accuracy. Moreover, a comparison with two powerful benchmark techniques, namely, ant lion optimization and a satin bowerbird optimizer, pointed to the WCA as a more accurate technique for the sustainable design of the intended system. Lastly, two potential predictive formulas, based on the most efficient WCAs, are extracted and presented.

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Moayedi, Hossein
Mosavi, Amir

Oxford Brookes departments

School of the Built Environment


Year of publication: 2021
Date of RADAR deposit: 2021-02-23

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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