Journal Article

Pre- and post-operative voice therapy (PaPOV): Development of an intervention for patients with benign vocal fold lesions


Background: Pre- and post-operative voice therapy may improve voice and quality-of-life outcomes for patients undergoing phonosurgery to remove benign vocal fold lesions (BVFLs). However, what constitutes voice therapy in this population is poorly described, resulting in a poor evidence base, lack of clinical guidelines and unwarranted variation in management. In order to develop the evidence base, a robust, iterative process of intervention development work should precede feasibility testing and effectiveness studies. Methods & procedures: Guidance for developing complex interventions, drawing on evidence, theory and modelling, was used to inform the development of a pre- and post-operative voice therapy intervention entitled 'PaPOV'. Data from four sources of evidence were synthesized using a published triangulation protocol. Data from a systematic review, national survey of current practice, expert interview study, and patient and public involvement conversations were used to populate a triangulation matrix, outlining components of a PaPOV. Data were coded to reflect areas of agreement, dissonance and silence with each component of the intervention. Based on this evidence, an assessment of convergence for each intervention component could be made. Outcomes & results: In total, 61 components of the PaPOV intervention were explored. Of these, 27 were categorized as having stability of consensus according to a priori criteria. A total of 34 failed to meet the criteria. This was more frequently due to silence (27) rather than dissonance (seven) in the data. By evidencing areas of agreement and stability of consensus across data sources, the validity of individual findings has been enhanced. Furthermore, the study has exposed specific areas of the intervention that lack consensus and require exploration through further intervention development studies. Conclusions & implications: This systematic triangulation process has contributed to the development of a PaPOV intervention for patients with BVFLs. Exploration of specific components relating to the intervention will allow outstanding questions to be answered in preparation for feasibility testing.

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White, Anna
Carding, Paul
Booth, Vicky
Logan, Pip

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences


Year of publication: 2022
Date of RADAR deposit: 2023-01-05

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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