Criminology search strategy - template


This step-by-step guide helps criminolgy students break down research questions and think about how and where to search for high quality resources. This tool can be used for any assignment, including dissertations. A worked example is also available on RADAR.

Links to resources

  • Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats... Filename: Constructing a criminology search strategy.docx Size: 36.5 KB Author: LIBRARY Publisher: Oxford Brookes University Last edited: 14 November 2018 09:40 Pages: 2 Words: 244 Views (since Sept 2022): 54

Teaching subject area


Date produced


Faculty or department

Directorate of Learning Resources\Library

Graduate attributes

Digital and information literacy


copyright Oxford Brookes University, except where indicated in the item description


  • Owner: Charlie Brampton
  • Collection: OER
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 116