Thesis (Ph.D)

Development and evaluation of an intelligent handheld insulin dose advisor for patients with Type-1 diabetes


Diabetes mellitus is an increasingly common, chronic, incurable disease requiring careful monitoring and treatment so as to minimise the risk of serious long-term complications. It has been suggested that computers used by healthcare professionals and/or patients themselves may playa useful role in the diabetes care process. Seven key systems (AIDA, ADICOL, DIABETES, DIAS, IIumaLink, T-IDDM, POIRO) in the area of diabetes decision support, and their underlying techniques and approaches are summarised and compared. The development of the Patient-Oriented Insulin Regimen Optimiser (POIRO) for insulindependent (Type-I) diabetes, and its hybrid statistical and rule-based expert system is then taken forward. The re-implementation and updating of the system for the Palm OS family of modern Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) is described. The evaluation of this new version in a seven week, randomised, open, cross-over clinical pilot study involving eight patients on short-acting plus long-acting insulin basalbolus regimens showed it to be easy-to-operate, reliable, not time consuming and well liked by patients. Following this, the characteristics and use of all currently available insulin formulations, and the corresponding insulin regimens are summarised. Algorithms to provide dose advice and decision support for patients taking the new rapid-acting, intermediate-acting and premixed insulin formulations are then developed. The user interface is improved and extended, amongst others through the development and use of a model describing individual user's meal time habits. Implementation-related issues encountered are discussed, and further work and future directions are identified and outlined. Motivated by the complex and safety-critical nature of systems such as POIRO, we also report on the use of the B abstract machine notation for the formal specification of the original POIRO system, and focusing on projects and published case studies. review the use of formal methods in the development of medical computer systems.

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Poerschke, C

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Computing and Communication Technologies
Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment


Year: 2004

© Poerschke, C
Published by Oxford Brookes University
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