Angels and the Cosmos of Faiths - Dance in the Furnace


Artist's description: This picture represents the “Fiery Furnace” that I find an evocative image. Perhaps the Furnace could relate to culture as a whole. Here, in a Mandala form, I thought of the movements of the body that are part of a series of gestures that are known as the ‘Surya Namashkar’, or greeting to the morning sun. This cycle of yogic postures are linked to the forms that we can find also in classical Indian dance movements. Traditionally the angels are thought to be spirits that continually dance before the Creator, in an eternal circle dance of light and joy. One could almost call this dance the ‘Yoga of the Angels’. In that sense the Angels represent the energies of God, and reflect the Divine Presence within creation.

Resource type

still image


Single image of a painting with a description by the artist.

Teaching subject area

Any, Anthropology, Art (History of Art), Communication, Media and Culture, Fine Art , English and Drama, Philosophy , Religion and Theology


Jyoti Sahi angels yoga yogic art spirituality religion theology Surya Namashkar mandala

Resource designed for:


Graduate attributes

Research literacy, Digital and information literacy, Global citizenship, Critical self-awareness and personal literacy, Academic literacy

Resource added by (Faculty or Directorate)

Faculties\Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Legacy information


Date deposited:

05 April 2011

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