Postgraduate Dissertation

Organisational Socialization Experiences of Neurodivergent Newcomers in Remote/Hybrid Work Contexts


Promoting neuroinclusion in the workplace is an organisational performance and social justice imperative driving ‘Neurodiversity at Work’ initiatives. Post- pandemic, remote/hybrid workplaces create new challenges for neurodivergent employees and HRM, not least of which is organisational socialization. Prior research addresses remote socialization, examines work-from-home practices of neurodivergent employees, but none explores factors contributing to socialization outcomes for neurodivergent newcomers in remote/hybrid contexts- impacting neurodiversity hiring initiatives. This study bridges the gap in research through review of extant academic literature and conducting empirical research. Ten interviews were held with neurodivergent professionals in remote/hybrid roles across Europe and North America. Analysis revealed The Paradox of Neurodiversity, The Value of Workplace Relationships and What it Means to Fit In as themes salient for neurodivergent newcomers desiring a sense of “Heimat” as an outcome of socialization. Findings formed the basis for a conceptual, neuroinclusive socialization model, informing recommendations for HRM practice drawing on universal design principles.

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Weeks, Katherine


Rights Holders: Weeks, Katherine
Supervisors: Millar, Jill

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford Brookes Business School

Degree programme

MA Human Resource Management



© Weeks, Katherine
Published by Oxford Brookes University
All rights reserved
