Journal Article

Comparing transgender and cisgender experiences of being taken advantage of sexually while under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs


A small body of literature suggests that transgender people are more frequently exposed to sexual violence while they are under the influence of alcohol than cisgender counterparts. The goal of this study was to report any differences between transgender (n=1,136) and cisgender (n=74,277) respondents to the Global Drug Survey on their experiences of being taken advantage of sexually while under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs. We found that transgender people were more likely than cisgender people to have experienced being taken advantage of in the last year (9.3% vs 4.2%) and more than 12 months preceding the survey (24.9% vs 14.3%). Non-binary participants were more likely than binary transgender participants (27.7% vs 17.8%) to report being taken advantage of sexually more than a year preceding the survey. Similarly, trans respondents assigned female at birth were more likely than trans respondents assigned male at birth to report this (30.0% vs 19.7%). Non-specialist services for survivors of sexual violence should be adequately prepared for and accommodating towards transgender clients. Future research should explore their unique needs. Moreover, clinicians who assess transgender people should remain mindful of their increased likelihood of being taken advantage of sexually while under the influence of alcohol and other drugs and consider trauma-informed interventions.

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Connolly, Dean
Aldridge, Alexandra
Davies, Emma
Maier, Larissa J.
Ferris, Jason
Gilchrist, Gail
Winstock, Adam

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Psychology, Health and Professional Development


Year of publication: 2021
Date of RADAR deposit: 2021-04-07

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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