Journal Article

The negotiated public realm in the contemporary city : hybrid walkable urban networks of Hong Kong


This paper focuses on the character of multi-level pedestrian accessibility and walkability within the public and quasi-public realm in Hong Kong, using the particular case of the redevelopment of Taikoo Place in Quarry Bay. In an era when the value of public space as a space for public activity and debate is coming under increasing scrutiny, both in Hong Kong and internationally, this paper explores multi-level interior and exterior public and quasi-public realm, as a hybrid form of interior open and transit space in a commercial setting that has becomes a central part of the city’s planning, designed to both serve and profit from the high level of pedestrian traffic. This paper draws on empirical research of pedestrian behaviour patterns to interrogate the value and significance of linked-spaces within commercial districts, both to the users and the real estate travelled through, using the city of Hong Kong as a reference and the specific case of Taikoo Place.

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Choi Hee Sun
Bruyns, Gerhard
Reeve, Alan
Cui Minyu

Oxford Brookes departments

School of the Built Environment


Year of publication: 2023
Date of RADAR deposit: 2024-08-14

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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