Postgraduate Dissertation

Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behaviour in Book Retailing: the Case Study of Inc


The investigation objective for this dissertation is to examine the marketing strategy of Inc in the United Kingdom, and the consumer behaviour toward the company. The online retail market is still growing in the UK, and is predicted to in the future (Euromonitor, 2014a). Internet access for consumers is becoming more of a given, and online retailing is providing consumers with the convenience to shop at anytime and anywhere. This puts pressure on retailers (online and physical) to stay relevant in the market.The prominent model in this research paper is Peter and Olson’s (2010) Wheel of Consumer Analysis. This model show influenced on consumer behaviour and linked it to a company’s strategy.The market- and competitive environment influences a company’s marketing strategy. A strategy should then be developed on the basis of the 4Ps, and emphasis the company’s strengths. It becomes clear that Amazon’s strength in the UK is their competitive prices. For the company to further better their strategy, additional promotional improvement is recommended. Furthermore, four main influencing factors on consumer behavioural are presented; Consumer affect and cognition, consumer environment, consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty. These four factors is investigated in terms of Amazon, and linked to the consumer’s behaviour. The data regarding the influencing factors and behaviour is collected mainly through secondary data, and supported by primary data collected through a distributed survey.The research shows there tend to be a strong relationship between the marketing strategy in terms of price and promotion and the consumers’ behaviour in online book retailing. However, the research failed to prove any substantial evidence for it being a clear relationship between affect/cognition, environment, satisfaction, loyalty and book-purchasing behaviour at Inc. in the UK.

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Pande, Tina

Oxford Brookes departments


Degree programme

MSc Business Management



Published by Oxford Brookes University
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