Book Chapter

Methods for detection of protein interactions with plasmodesmata-localized reticulons


Plant reticulon family proteins (RTN) tubulate the ER by dimerization and oligomerization, creating localized ER membrane tensions that result in membrane curvature. Two RTN ER-shaping proteins have been found in the plasmodesmata (PD) proteome which could potentially contribute to the formation of the desmotubule, an ER-derived structure that crosses primary PD and physically connects the ER of two cells. Here we describe two methods used to identify partners of two PD-resident reticulon proteins, RTN3 and RTN6 that are located in primary PD at cytokinesis in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum): immunoprecipitations using GFP-Trap®_A beads to find novel interaction partners and FRET-FLIM to test for and quantify direct protein-protein interactions in planta.

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Kriechbaumer, Verena
Botchway, Stanley W.

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Biological and Medical Sciences


Year of publication: 2022
Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-03-30

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Related resources

This RADAR resource is the Accepted Manuscript of Methods for detection of protein interactions with plasmodesmata-localized reticulons
This RADAR resource is Part of Plasmodesmata: Methods and protocols [ISBN: 9781071621325] / edited by Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso, Manfred Heinlein (Springer, 2022).


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