Journal Article

Methods of assessing flood resilience of critical buildings


An overview is presented of recent advances in the assessment methods and mitigation solutions for the performance of critical buildings during flood events. This draws on research focusing on critical urban infrastructure, which is defined as assets that are essential for the continuity of economic activities in cities and for the basic living needs of the urban population. These assets include networks as well as buildings, the latter (termed ‘critical buildings’) having an important role in protecting equipment and personnel associated with the networks. Examples include power stations, transport control centres, communication hubs, fire stations, shelters and hospitals. Unlike domestic constructions, due to their specificity, these buildings cannot easily be categorised in terms of type of construction or age, and have to be treated as individual buildings. Three methods are presented as a framework with a logical progression for the assessment of building flood vulnerability and the identification of improvement measures: the ‘quick scan’ method, the ‘selection and evaluation tools for flood proofing of buildings’ and the ‘individual building flood damage tool’ (IBT). It is expected that building owners, insurance companies, local authorities and agencies with urban flood management responsibilities will benefit from the application of the framework and tools presented.

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Escarameia, M
Walliman, N
Zevenbergen, C
de Graaf, R

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment\School of Architecture


Year of publication: 2015
Date of RADAR deposit: 2016-09-15

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