Conference Paper

A two-stage opamp frequency compensation technique by splitting the 2nd stage


In this paper miller compensation of opamp has been explained intuitively and discussed the problems existing with this traditional way. Proposed an area/power efficient technique by splitting the second stage has been proposed. The splitting introduces an extra zero in the transfer function such that it will improve the stability. This tech was implemented in 45nm CMOS technology and simulated with Spectre. Simulation results show that the proposed circuit saves 50% of the capacitance area compared to the miller technique. The circuit draws320uA current from 1.5V supply and occupying 0.003108mm2 silicon area.

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Nagulapalli, Rajasekhar
Hayatleh, Khaled
Barker, Steve

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2020
Date of RADAR deposit: 2020-10-27

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