Podcast Episode

Greening Occupational Therapy: From Theory to Practice in Planetary Health with Dr Tanya Rihtman and Ka Yan Hess

Join us as we discuss the pioneering work of Ka Yan Hess, Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, and Dr Tanya Rihtman, Principal Lecturer in Occupational Therapy and Occupational Therapy Programme Lead, both in the Department of Sport Health Sciences and Occupational Thepary at Oxford Brookes, on integrating environmental reasoning and sustainability into occupational therapy education. This episode delves into their recent paper, exploring practical applications and the importance of planetary health in therapy practices. Discover how theory is being transformed into impactful practice for a sustainable future in healthcare. You can explore Ka Yan’s and Tanya’s wider word on their staff profiles: https://www.brookes.ac.uk/profiles/staff/ka-yan-k-hess https://www.brookes.ac.uk/profiles/staff/tanya-rihtman

From the series
Oxford Brookes Unscripted


Tanya Rihtman, Ka Yan Hess, Ellie Beaman





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  • Owner: Ellie Beaman
  • Collection: Podcasts
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 319