Conference Paper

The synergies between goal sketching and enterprise architecture


This paper introduces a pragmatic and practical method for requirements modeling. The method is built using the concepts of our goal sketching technique together with techniques from an enterprise architecture modeling language. Our claim is that our method will help project managers who want to establish early control of their projects and will also give managers confidence in the scope of their project. In particular we propose the inclusion of assumptions as first class entities in the ArchiMate enterprise architecture modeling language and an extension of the ArchiMate Motivation Model principle to allow radical as well as normative analyses. We demonstrate the usefulness of this method using a simple university library system as an example.

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Boness, Kenneth
Harrison, Rachel

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2015
Date of RADAR deposit: 2020-08-19

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This RADAR resource is the Accepted Manuscript of The synergies between goal sketching and enterprise architecture


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